Monday, January 12, 2009

Big Day for Mommy!

My apologies for not getting an update out sooner. I was busy this morning with some job searching, house stuff (cat box, food, water, etc). I met the children at home after lunch (they are staying with Grandma and Pop!) and we cleaned up our rooms, put away some laundry and got some stuff for this weeks activities. We let the kiddos have some play time with our dear neighbors.

So onto the updates! There are so many and they are so very exciting!

Jennifer Update:

- I have spent a lot of time with Jennifer today taking care of her. She has had a big day!
- Jen is off the Mag!
- She has eaten two meals of solid food - fruit, yogurt, Ensure, and a roll
- She and I walked together to the bathroom and she used the restroom for the first time!!
- She later took a shower
- Prayer for a quick recovery from the c-section incision
- Jennifer and I will visit Jillian again after the children leave for their visit
- The NICU doctor came to visit today and pushed breast feeding much to our excitement
- I requested that Jennifer be allowed to pump while I read to Jillian in the NICU which was approved
- I will provide a final update later this evening after Jennifer and I return

Jillian Update:

- Mag levels down to under 3.5 mg/dL so she's becoming more active
- Bili levels down and will be checked again tomorrow
- Blood gas levels awesome
- She is on a 2 L/hr pump of room air through her canulet
- She is on an IV push with various electrolytes and another for lipids
- Up to 3 mL of breast milk every 3 hours
- Jennifer will be pumping some more tonight
- Pee and poop are all regular
- She will get the lines removed from her belly button (UAC and UVC) tomorrow after a pic line is put in
- We will then be able to remove her from the cart and hold her :)
- I have gently placed my hands over her - She likes to kick and wiggle
- I also grabbed the stethoscope and listened to her heartbeat and breathing for about 20 minutes last night - that was wonderful :)

I'll be sure and take pictures tonight of Jennifer and Jillian when we're in the NICU.
God bless and keep you all. Thanks for your continued prayer!

Take care,


1 comment:

  1. Great day for Jennifer. Hang in there, Jen. God is right by your side though I know this is not a bit what you expected. He knew and is with you.
