Saturday, January 17, 2009

Children United for the First Time!

Due some unique circumstances James and Jocelyn were able to go see their baby sister for the first time since she was born!

They were both very excited! They were only allowed to stay for about 2 minutes while Miss Jillian was being weighed. After they left I gave them a call and asked them what they thought.
James said, "I was amazed. I have never seen a human being that small."
Jocelyn said, "It was weird. She looks like a baby alien."
Regardless, it was a precious moment for Mommy and Daddy. The children have been very patient during this process. They not only don't get to see their baby sister, but their Mommy has been taken away from them for a week and can't be with them in the same capacity for another week, and Daddy is busy with Jillian and Mommy all the time. We did spend some family time together the first night Mommy was home and were all able to spend the night under the same roof at Jennifer's parents house. Jennifer's parents have been an incredible blessing. My mother will be pitching in over the next week and a half or so until Jennifer is getting around a little better and then my Dad will come in to lend a hand.
I will now focus on working out a list of needs and areas in which those of you who have been patiently waiting can lend a hand. Your patience and prayers have no doubt been invaluable. Jillian is doing wonderfully, Jennifer is recovering quickly, there have been no issues with providing plenty of milk for Jillian, the list of blessings are endless! God is wonderful!
More pictures and updates to come tomorrow!
God bless,

1 comment:

  1. Praises to our King!!!! We rejoice with you. So glad to hear you are having some family time. We love you all,
    The Zesch gang
