Jillian was 2lb 4.8 ounces at birth (1043 grams). She now weighs just over 2 lbs (925 grams). This is normal weight loss for a premee - so don't be alarmed. She is being fed important nutrients and calories via IV and also taking more and more of Mommy's milk everyday. Most of her calories early in life will be devoted to hyper-development of vital organs, but she has quickly progressed through these stages.
She was 14.25 inches at birth which is about the size of the average person's forearm. She is almost always curled up into a ball so she can easily fit into the palm of my hand. Stretched out she is about the size of two ball point pens touching end to end.
Her head is 10 inches in circumference which is one inch larger than a baseball.
Hope that helps!
James & Jennifer, she is so precious! Thank you for the wonderful updates. I don't want to bother you with extra emails, just wanted you to know our church is praying for little Jillian. We love you and are there with you in our prayers.
ReplyDeleteWow - that sure brings it all home. Tiny little miracle! Hmmm.....BIG little miracle?
ReplyDeleteJames - thanks for the effort you are taking to send out prayer updates and such. Remember, if YOU ever need to take a break - that will be o.k. too.
Good Morning Son,
ReplyDeleteWanted you to know I will be leaving for San Angelo after lunch. Will call when I am on my way. Plan to get to the hospital first so I can see Jillian. James and Jocelyn will keep me busy once I get there. I can't wait to see our new princess. I pray for Jennifer and Jillian, James and Jocelyn and am concerned that you are not getting enough rest so MOM WILL STEP IN AS MOM and make certain that you do when I arrive. I know everyone is just as concerned about you as they are Mommy and Jillian. See you soon! Nani