Daddy was able to have a turn at holding Jillian skin to skin for the first time yesterday. Kangaroo care lasts for about an hour. I was able to to hold Jillian yesterday morning for the first time.
It was awesome! Jillian is a very conent young lady when she gets what she wants. When she is in a comfortable position, has a clean diaper, has a full tummy, and is nice and toasty she is peacefully resting. She gets changed, fed, and repositioned every 3 hours. I will provide details concerning her progress in a later post.
Kangaroo care will continue and only increase as time goes on. Jocelyn met with a physical therapist (Jean Ann) yesterday along with Mommy and Daddy. Jean Ann is quite pleased with Jocelyn's progress and does not see any developmental problems whatsoever. Mommy and Daddy are not surprised of course as Jesus is in still in charge here.
We are truly blessed. I'll be providing additional posts in just a moment addressing each aspect of these past events. I was able to get some good sleep last night as opposed to updating the blog.
All our love,
James & Jennifer
Jocelyn or Jillian?