Monday, March 9, 2009

We're Getting Closer ...

We're beginning to make a bit of progress! It is still difficult to tell when Jillian will be coming home, but we have just started a "trial" by which Jillian is taking her feedings by mouth (PO) only.

I would like to say triumphantly that the tube has been removed, but this is more of an experiment to see how she'll do without the tube feedings. We started this experiment on Sunday, March 8th (yesterday). We're praying that Jillian's doctor will allow us to go home and work on this on our own.

I do have some really exciting news! She has successfully nursed about 3 times for over 20 minutes each time! Successful nursing is AWESOME news and is very encouraging. So far Jillian has only done this when she is wide awake, but we're praying that these increase in frequency. The picture I provided is indicative of Jillian's sleepy disposition, even when she's eating.

Jennifer and I stayed in the hospital overnight and attempted to nurse and bottle feed Jillian. The order is to now feed her whatever she wants whenever she wants it. The first night was a little rough as this is a rather sudden change for her. Please pray that she acclimates quickly to the new exclusive PO feedings and we have favor with the doctors to go home.

I'll try to update the blog daily in light of this new development. I have been focusing on our family and preparing our home for Jillian's return. Jennifer and Jillian will most likely spend the first week out of the hospital with her parents and then transition to our home.

We're getting closer! We are so blessed to have so many of you that are faithfully praying. Pray that Jillian becomes a more awake eater and that we are released soon.

God bless you all!



  1. Look at that adorable double chin. PRAISE GOD!!

  2. Oh, every time I see a new picture its always the same thought, she's so beautiful, to God be the glory. We're continuing to pray for you all daily. We join and agree with you for Jillian to quickly accept her new feedings And, I know she will continue to aggressively nurse. That's what God created her to do.
    Blessings to all the Baker's
    We love you guys,
    The Zesch Gang
